Contractor Management

This service is for owners of industrial or commercial sites. It provides owners with access to our national database of contractors (contractors can mean either service contractors, service or materials suppliers) and their qualification information. It also provides them with a fully managed contractor qualification process. The result is an online file of contractors who are qualified to work at the owners site (contractors selected by the owner). Qualified contractors are those who meet all of the owners stated requirements. The file will also contain a list of those contractors who where selected, but do not meet the owners requirements. All information used to validate the contractor is maintained in the owner files and the status of certain information like insurance is updated daily.

Once an owner registers with V-Purchasing.com they can search our database of contractors and suppliers. From this database they can select those contractors or suppliers which they are interested in working with and either add them to their site contractors list or supply the names of contractors they wish added to the V-Purchasing.com staff to be added. Owners provide V-Purchasing.com a set of criteria to use for screening the qualified contractors, which our staff then used to test and qualify each contractor. All information and results of the screening process is maintained online for the owner to see and to be used for audit purposes.

If a contractor or supplier the owner wants to use is not listed in our directory, the owner can request this company be added to the database through an on-line request form. We use a variety of means to collect qualification data for contractors. The ways that we collect data can include the following: e-mail requests, fax requests, paper mail requests, and telephone calls. If a particular contractor or supplier does not meet an owners requirements, we notify the contractor and owner of the deficiency.

Our questionnaire includes a compilation of information collected from various regulatory agency requirements, industry groups, and requests made from our customers. The information includes such things as safety performance, safety programs, insurance, certifications, references, financial information, drug and alcohol screening and more. We also have to capability to request specific information that is not part of our standard questionnaire, but is vital to a particular owner. The systems are flexible enough to allow owners to pick and choose the questions and information which is important to the owner.

This service eliminates the work required to collect and manage the information used in pre-qualifying a contractor. In addition our service eliminates your work in qualifying most contractors. We also have the ability to collect and maintain more and better information than any individual owner is capable of doing.


The contractor management service has two parts:
Set up - $15 / Contractor
Ongoing Service - $45/contractor/year

Note: V-Purchasing.com reserves the right to change pricing at any time.

Last Updated: 5/1/05

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